Date Title Length Video?
2025.03.17 Django settings with pydantic 20
2025.03.10 From Pandas to Polars in 60 minutes 60
2025.03.09 Creating a Chrome browser extension 25
2025.03.03 Git is a great design 45
2025.02.26 It's Thursday! CI/CD as an unfinished journey 30
2025.02.26 The Evolution of Python Monitoring 20
2025.02.26 Once, Twice, Chaos: Mastering Idempotency in Event-Driven Systems 45
2025.02.19 Cultural Learnings of PostgreSQL for Make Benefit Glorious Company Product 40
2025.02.14 Getting started with Git 60 YES
2025.02.07 Creating a website on GitHub Pages using Markdown 100 YES
2025.01.29 Shift Left - Leveraging Open Source LLMs to Uncover Risks in Feature Design Phase 20
2025.01.29 Supply chain security for open source models 30
2025.01.29 Matching Code to Runtime with BERT 30
2025.01.22 From Migrations to Tests: Alembic-powered DB Consistency 50 YES
2025.01.19 Deep Neural Network as SQL+Python 20 YES
2025.01.05 Python Types 30
2025.01.05 Django settings with pydantic 20
2025.01.05 Using Streamlit to easily create interactive web apps and deploy machine learning models 20
2024.12.15 From Migrations to Tests: Alembic-powered DB Consistency 30
2024.12.15 About Nym 15
2024.12.15 How to build a microservice with Python + FastAPI that will help to switch from RDS to DynamoDB and save costs. 30
2024.12.11 Supercharging CTR (Click-Through Rate) with Plug-and-Play AI Capabilities 0
2024.12.11 State-Space Models and Deep Learning: Is there a new revolution on our doorstep? 0
2024.12.11 Georgia on my Mind: NLP Meets Social Network Analysis for Exploring New Domains 0
2024.11.27 Advanced Python OO 45
2024.11.27 Welcome to Infinidat 20
2024.11.27 boto-model 5
2024.11.27 Python Profiling Made Easy 20
2024.11.27 REPL-Driven Development – Adapting Lisp-style interactive development in Python 15
2024.09.17 Codyssey - a playful Python workshop 180
2024.09.17 Introduction to Geospatial data and GeoPandas 180
2024.09.17 Unleashing the Power of LLMs & Gen AI with Python 180
2024.09.17 Introduction to Playwright with Python 420
2024.09.17 Getting Started with gRPC 180
2024.09.16 CLI, CI, DIY: Crafting Python Based Dev Tools in a DevOps Vacuum 20 YES
2024.09.16 Beyond KMeans - using LLMs to improve text clustering 20 YES
2024.09.16 No more dependency nightmares: the Wix way for a healthy and stable python platform 20 YES
2024.09.16 How to Make Your Backend Roar 20 YES
2024.09.16 It's all about the db - our journey between databases to accommodate 100k events per second 20 YES
2024.09.16 Reaching One Million Hands for Israeli advocacy 20 YES
2024.09.16 Reducing your memory footprint by 75% with 6 lines of code 20 YES
2024.09.16 Secimport: Tailor-Made eBPF Sandbox for Python Applications 20 YES
2024.09.16 The Hitchhiker's Guide to Advanced Python Monitoring 20 YES
2024.09.16 Unblocking the Loop: Mastering Python's I/O Loop Monitoring 20 YES
2024.09.16 How we deleted a dozen files and 10,000 lines of code and got control of our Airflow DAGs 20 YES
2024.09.16 Malicious Needle in a Haystack - PyPi Security Pitfalls 20 YES
2024.09.16"Don't Give all your {secrets} away") 20 YES
2024.09.16 How to create addiction to Python? 20 YES
2024.09.16 Python bad cryptography habits 20 YES
2024.09.16 Unit testing LLM Agents 20 YES
2024.09.16 Empowering the Next Generation: Teaching Python to Young Girls through AliceCode 20 YES
2024.09.16 Making Python 100x faster with less than 100 lines of Rust 20 YES
2024.09.16 Unlocking Python's AST: The Metaprogramming Superpower You Didn't Know You Had 20 YES
2024.09.16 10 Ways To Shoot Yourself In The Foot With Tests 20 YES
2024.09.16 Teach Your Old Code New Tricks: Automating Code Quality in Large Projects 20 YES
2024.09.16 Hacking the Python Import System 20 YES
2024.09.16 Accelerating ML Development with Multi-Modal Datasets: Leveraging Python, Parquets, and Daft 20 YES
2024.09.16 Letting AI Steal My Job - I'm Not Even Mad, This Is Amazing 20 YES
2024.09.16 Designing a plugin architecture in Python 20 YES
2024.09.16 Let JSON Schema and Pydantic write your data models 20 YES
2024.09.16 Leveraging Python for Real-Time Image processing 20 YES
2024.09.03 From Sluggish to Speedy: A Developer's Guide to Taming MySQL Performance 40 YES
2024.09.03 Marimo - a new python notebook 10
2024.09.03 DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) standard 10
2024.09.03 A pagination that scales with your data 25
2024.08.07 Accelerating Parquet file filters via row groups 39
2024.08.07 Implementing the Composite Design Pattern in Python 30
2024.07.25 Testing Python with Pytest: The magic of fixtures 60
2024.07.21 Implementing and Securing AI Applications 45
2024.07.08 Copilot Workspace: what it is, how it works, why it matters 30
2024.07.08 Careful What You Search For! - or, how to make a computation 20,000 times faster 45
2024.05.21 The journey from CSV to parquet to cloud and back. 40
2024.05.21 Working with nested dtypes 40
2024.05.19 A Python Quiz 20
2024.05.19 A new way of testing web frameworks 20
2024.05.19 Growing up - A data story 35
2024.04.03 To Bid, or not to Bid – Reinforcement Learning for Real Time Bidding 45
2024.04.03 Vector embeddings at the center of your data stack 15
2024.04.03 Polars is the Pandas killer 30 YES
2024.03.18 War stories 10
2024.03.18 Introducing Infinidat 10
2024.03.18 Python dataclasses 20
2024.03.18 Hacking 'import' 30
2024.02.07 Diversifying the feed with color vector selection 15 YES
2024.02.07 Using LLMs to convert freetext to structure 45 YES
2024.02.07 Optimizing Ad Conversions with DS 45 YES
2023.09.11 Rapid Development of Big Data Analytics Apps using Dash 40
2023.09.11 Read Code Every Day 30
2023.07.04 A Bug's Life 20 YES
2023.06.14 Accelerating Data Excellence: Automated Standardization for Enhanced Integrity 30
2023.06.14 Entity resolution at Explorium 30
2023.06.14 The Hitchhiker's Guide to Labeled Data Quality 30
2023.05.01 Faster Pandas: Make your Pandas code run faster and consume less memory 45
2023.05.01 CampusIL Architecture: Deploying Enterprise-grade Django-based architecture for National Learning Environment based on OpenEdX 45
2023.03.13 VisiData: A Vim-like tool for data science in the terminal 35
2023.03.13 Test architecture can make or break your project 45
2023.01.02 Variable scope & closure 45
2023.01.02 HTML over the wire 45
2022.11.14 Creating a Chrome browser extension 25
2022.11.14 Change Data Capture (CDC) for advanced integration 30
2022.11.14 About Swimm 10
2022.09.12 Git is a great design 45
2022.09.12 Cultural Learnings of PostgreSQL for Make Benefit Glorious Company Product 40
2022.07.04 About Viz.AI 10
2022.07.04 How I found and fixed a vulnerability in Python 40
2022.07.04 python -m 30
2022.05.02 Federated Learning: A promising new method for privacy-preserving ML (AI) modelling 30 YES
2022.05.02 Stand Back! I Know Regular Expressions 50 YES
2022.03.07 Property-based testing 40 YES
2022.03.07 Using Reinforcement Learning to understand our society 50 YES
2022.01.03 Postgresql in Theory and Practice. 50 YES
2022.01.03 Python - From zero to hero 40 YES
2021.11.01 Kubernetes CPU- Requests, limits and noisy neighbors 30 YES
2021.11.01 Method chaining in Python 30 YES
2021.09.13 Epistemology - reflections on what is a truthful representation of reality in the software world 30 YES
2021.09.13 Unlocking the full potential of PostgreSQL indexes in Django 40 YES
2021.07.05 The Two Hard Things In Computer Science 45 YES
2021.07.05 Using Spark with python: some tips and patterns 30 YES
2021.05.10 tRust the process 45 YES
2021.05.10 So you think you can print? 25 YES
2021.03.01 Simulations for the Mathematically Challenged 40 YES
2021.03.01 WebRTC - Real time communications for the web 30 YES
2021.01.04 Using Cython to run a C++ synth with a Kivy frontend on Android 45 YES
2021.01.04 A Day Has Only 24+-1 Hours 30 YES
2020.11.02 The design and development of Choices in Django 3.0 30 YES
2020.11.02 GridRoyale, a life simulation for exploring social dynamics 10 YES
2020.11.02 Embedding and Calling Python with 0 Serialization and ε Memory 40 YES
2020.09.07 A Python quiz 30 YES
2020.09.07 How WhatsApp Works 45 YES
2020.07.06 Make your classes faster and leaner 45 YES
2020.07.06 Bauhaus Software Architecture 30 YES
2020.01.06 Black box testing 30
2020.01.06 Boosting simulation performance with Python 35
2020.01.06 How maintaining coding conventions saved my mental sanity 30
2019.11.04 CPython moved to GitHub, how does it work? 15 YES
2019.11.04 The Perfect Python Environment Setup 30 YES
2019.11.04 Live-coding a music synthesizer 45 YES
2019.09.02 From Zero to Airflow - bootstrapping a ML platform 30
2019.09.02 Why All Config Parsers Suck 30
2019.09.02 Serverless Cloud Flow Programming in Python 40
2019.07.04 Python Serialization landscape 40 YES
2019.07.04 Your command is my command (Command line in Python) 30 YES
2019.07.04 Python after Guido: The new governance model 30 YES
2019.05.28 Fixtures and Test Doubles in Pytest - Workshop 180
2019.05.06 Intro to Typescript 30 YES
2019.05.06 PySnooper, PuDB, and a PEP idea 20 YES
2019.05.06 devpi, your very own cheeseshop 30 YES
2019.03.04 My enum module 20
2019.03.04 30
2019.03.04 Becoming a 10x Python developer 30
2019.01.07 Dropbox talk 10
2019.01.07 SIGTERM and the art of gracefully shutting down services. A lighting talk 10
2019.01.07 Why Vim is Awesome 30
2019.01.07 ETL With Celery, MongoDB and RabbitMQ: Battle learned lesson 45
2018.12.10 Advanced Linux CLI 45
2018.12.10 I hate security - Bluetooth distance detection story 30
2018.09.03 2to3: Upgrading a large, production Django app from Python 2.7 to 3.6. 40
2018.09.03 Package management in Python and at large 60
2018.07.02 Quality, inspired by Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance 20
2018.07.02 Hannukiot in Git 10
2018.07.02 Unix command line tips & tricks 30
2018.05.23 Mocking in Python 120
2018.05.07 Useful Git 20
2018.05.07 Microservices: Splitting the Monolith the DDD Way 40
2018.05.07 NoORM 30
2018.03.05 4 Languages You Should Learn 40
2018.03.05 Python performance profiling 30
2018.03.05 Shaping serverless architecture with domain driven design patterns 30
2018.02.05 F??king Spectre, how does it work? 30
2018.02.05 Django custom Model fields by example 45
2018.02.05 Application Level Blue/Green Deployments With Django 30
2018.01.16 Python Pair Programming with TDD Workshop 120
2018.01.01 When infrastructure betrays you 30
2018.01.01 attrs - Classes Without Boilerplate 20
2018.01.01 The differences between test code and production code 20
2017.12.19 Testing with PyTest 120
2017.12.04 Playing with Cython 30
2017.12.04 Python Needs a Better Testing Framework 30
2017.12.04 Pipenv: The future of Python dependency management 20
2017.11.20 Your First Open Source contribution 120
2017.11.06 Logging - best (And bad) practices 20
2017.11.06 API Star - Next generation framework! 30
2017.11.06 Serverless in Production 30
2017.10.02 Intro to Vue.JS 50
2017.10.02 Screw DSLs 40
2017.10.02 Lets answer some interesting job interview questions 30
2017.09.04 Actually generate swagger for DRF or GSDAPIISUI 30
2017.09.04 Hypothesis: A new paradigm in testing 45
2017.09.04 Test Automation with Robot Framework 20
2017.08.07 Enterprise integration patterns with messaging 45
2017.08.07 Why is Go cool and how can you use it from Python 40
2017.07.03 The Universe Is Broken: a debugging story 15
2017.07.03 Real-life Django ORM 60
2017.07.03 Hands-on message broker using Google's pub sub 25
2017.06.05 Intoduction to sysdig 20
2017.06.05 Fighting the Curse of Knowledge - Insights on Mentoring Young Pythonists 20
2017.06.05 Pyparsing, or the case for monads 25
2017.06.05 Zappa, a framework for developing microservices on AWS 30
2017.05.08 The Universe Is Broken: a debugging story 15
2017.05.08 Using Jenkins as a CI for Python-based projects 30
2017.05.08 Python Keyring + adding a new backend 20
2017.05.08 REPLing with IPython 30
2017.04.03 The implementation of pytest assertions 10
2017.04.03 Frictionless Data: Lightweight standards and tooling to make it effortless to get, share, and validate data. 50
2017.04.03 Exceptional Python - Error handling tips 30
2017.03.06 The anatomy of a traceback 25
2017.03.06 Pip + Virtualenv under the hood 25
2017.03.06 Working with APIs the Pythonic way 40
2017.03.06 The implementation of dict 10
2017.02.06 Scientific debugging 10
2017.02.06 Functional testing a webapp 40
2017.02.06 How we built a versionator using datadog & puppet 30
2017.01.02 Ordinal not in range - Python2 unicode 40
2017.01.02 The Rust programming language 60
2016.12.05 Gordon, a very convenient AWS lambda full automation framework + demo 0
2016.12.05 Django Channels: Teaching a mature framework new tricks (like websockets) 0
2016.12.05 BeeWare: A collection of Python tools (tentative) 0
2016.11.07 Testing numpy code - What not to do 30
2016.11.07 "The strangler pattern" dealing with legacy rewrites 10
2016.11.07 Programming brainfuck and virtual machines 30
2016.10.10 Reverse-engineering Python's knowledge layers 45
2016.10.10 webpack - the hot module bundler as a build tool 45
2016.10.10 Repex REPlace (regular) EXpression - version management and more. 15
2016.09.05 Speedy Net, Speedy Match and Speedy Composer 30
2016.09.05 Testing web applications using Selenium and Python 45
2016.09.05 Programming Pearls in Python 30
2016.08.01 Designing Pythonic API's like Kenneth Reitz (Requests case study) 30
2016.08.01 The Krihelinator - evaluating trendiness in open source software 10
2016.08.01 Build, test and release your python packages using DevPI, Docker and Jenkins 30
2016.08.01 Anatomy of a Full Stack Project 30
2016.07.04 Descriptors and the Python dot operator 45
2016.07.04 How Slack transformed our company 15
2016.07.04 Hypothesis: simpler and more powerful test cases 45
2016.06.06 Using Hammock to write a REST server in Python 45
2016.06.06 Cloudify - Managing a large, distributed, open-source Python project. 60
2016.06.06 Testing with Django Aloe 15
2016.04.04 asyncio: Asynchronous I/O, event loop, coroutines and tasks 50
2016.04.04 Ctypes on Steroids: Advanced Dynamic Interaction With C 40
2016.04.04 Writing production-ready chatbots 35
2016.03.07 Type hints in Python 40
2016.03.07 Kong (API gateway), micro-services and some docker 30
2016.03.07 assert - the simplest possible unit testing framework 5
2016.02.01 Automate CLI apps with BATS 10
2016.02.01 ld - reinstating Linux Distribution identification and information gathering in Python 15
2016.02.01 Django-oscar e-commerce framework - review and deep-dive 45
2016.01.04 PyTest, the testing framework you've been dreaming of 45
2016.01.04 re2: modern regular expression syntax everywhere with a painless upgrade path 15
2016.01.04 The many ways of defining and calling Python functions 35
2016.01.04 PyconIsrael 2016! 10
2015.11.02 Wagon - Creates compiled, offline installable, wheel base Python module archives. 15
2015.11.02 RabbitMQ, and using message queues in general 50
2015.11.02 Build a better backend 25
2015.10.12 Django - Test all the things. Unittests, functional tests and stress testing. 45
2015.10.12 Indepth Tox - managing multiple test environments 45
2015.10.12 How I learned to use the computer efficiently 45
2015.07.06 Wheels, the new distribution format for Python packages 45 YES
2015.07.06 Using pandas for Data Processing 45
2015.07.06 Advanced topics in Django admin - custom forms, fields, inlines, Grapelli, and other amusing hacks 40 YES
2015.06.01 SaltStack 45
2015.06.01 Introduction to bash parallel 25
2015.06.01 - a linter for docstring conventions 10
2015.05.04 What's new in Django 1.8 60
2015.05.04 Lispisms -- things Python (and Django) can learn from Lisp 45
2015.05.04 Coroutines Magic! There is so much more to yield. 45
2015.04.13 Scrapy, a fast and easy framework to scrape any web content 15
2015.04.13 Python Enhancement Proposal One 15
2015.04.13 Uncomment Your Code 15
2015.04.13 Django with Postgres materialized views 20
2015.04.13 Setup your workstations automatically with Ansible playbooks 15
2015.02.02 Elastic Search as a realtime analytics engine 0
2015.02.02 Combi: combinatorics package for Python - the combinatorics package that I've written for Python. 0
2015.02.02 WebRTC 0
2015.01.05 Intro to XIV 5
2015.01.05 SQL vs NOSQL in Django applications 45
2015.01.05 Going beyond MongoDB for your NoSQL purposes 45
2014.12.01 Winning examples of declarative programming 10
2014.12.01 My workflow/life with vim 60
2014.12.01 Django REST-assured 10
2014.11.03 Docker from basic to advanced + Demo 0
2014.11.03 Django 1.7 features 0
2014.10.06 Git Scripts - forward-merge and cascade 0
2014.10.06 Pandas 0
2014.10.06 High-scale jobs with Twisted & Celery 0