Planned events
Past events
2014.10.06 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #38 - October 2014
- Yishai Beeri: High-scale jobs with Twisted & Celery
- Ram Rachum: Git Scripts - forward-merge and cascade
- Idan Gazit: Pandas
2014.11.03 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #39 - November 2014
- Shai Berger: Django 1.7 features
- David Melamed: Docker from basic to advanced + Demo
2014.12.01 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #40 - December 2014
- Meir Kriheli: My workflow/life with vim
- Udi h. Bauman: Winning examples of declarative programming
- Yehonatan Daniv: Django REST-assured
2015.01.05 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #41 - January 2015
- Pablo Klijnjan: Intro to XIV
- Amit Nabarro: SQL vs NOSQL in Django applications
- Zohar Arad: Going beyond MongoDB for your NoSQL purposes
2015.02.02 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #42 - February 2015
- Natan Brosztein: WebRTC
- Zohar Arad: Elastic Search as a realtime analytics engine
- Ram Rachum: Combi: combinatorics package for Python - the combinatorics package that I've written for Python.
2015.04.13 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #43 - April 2015
- David Melamed: Scrapy, a fast and easy framework to scrape any web content
- Shay Halsband: Django with Postgres materialized views
- Miki Tebeka: Uncomment Your Code
- Rafael Bodill: Setup your workstations automatically with Ansible playbooks
- Benny Daon: Python Enhancement Proposal One
2015.05.04 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #44 - May 2015
- Meir Kriheli: What's new in Django 1.8
- Noam Elfanbaum: Coroutines Magic! There is so much more to yield.
- Shai Berger: Lispisms -- things Python (and Django) can learn from Lisp
2015.06.01 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #45 - June 2015
- Alon Nisser: Introduction to bash parallel
- Amir Rachum: - a linter for docstring conventions
- Zohar Arad: SaltStack
2015.07.06 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #46 - July 2015
- Michael Sverdlik: Wheels, the new distribution format for Python packages
- Michael Sverdlin: Advanced topics in Django admin - custom forms, fields, inlines, Grapelli, and other amusing hacks
- Miki Tebeka: Using pandas for Data Processing
2015.10.12 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #47 - October 2015
- Michael Sverdlin: Django - Test all the things. Unittests, functional tests and stress testing.
- Nir Cohen: Indepth Tox - managing multiple test environments
- Ram Rachum: How I learned to use the computer efficiently
2015.11.02 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #48 - November 2015
- Alon Nisser: RabbitMQ, and using message queues in general
- Nir Cohen: Wagon - Creates compiled, offline installable, wheel base Python module archives.
- Ohad Partuck: Build a better backend
2016.01.04 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #49 - January 2016
- Eli Gur: PyTest, the testing framework you've been dreaming of
- Doron Fediuck: PyconIsrael 2016!
- Miki Tebeka: The many ways of defining and calling Python functions
- Aur Saraf: re2: modern regular expression syntax everywhere with a painless upgrade path
2016.02.01 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #50 - February 2016
- Alon Nisser: Automate CLI apps with BATS
- Nir Cohen: ld - reinstating Linux Distribution identification and information gathering in Python
- Ori Hoch: Django-oscar e-commerce framework - review and deep-dive
2016.03.07 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #51 - March 2016
- Eli Gur: Type hints in Python
- Aur Saraf: assert - the simplest possible unit testing framework
- Noam Elfanbaum: Kong (API gateway), micro-services and some docker
2016.04.04 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #52 - April 2016
- Eyal Yavor: Writing production-ready chatbots
- Amir Miron: Ctypes on Steroids: Advanced Dynamic Interaction With C
- Meir Kriheli: asyncio: Asynchronous I/O, event loop, coroutines and tasks
2016.05.02 - PyConIL -
PyCon Israel 2016
2016.06.06 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #53 - June 2016
- Elad Silberring: Testing with Django Aloe
- Nir Cohen: Cloudify - Managing a large, distributed, open-source Python project.
- Eyal Posener: Using Hammock to write a REST server in Python
2016.07.04 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #54 - July 2016
- Eli Gur: Hypothesis: simpler and more powerful test cases
- Miki Tebeka: Descriptors and the Python dot operator
- Lior Neudorfer: How Slack transformed our company
2016.08.01 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #55 - August 2016
- David Melamed: Build, test and release your python packages using DevPI, Docker and Jenkins
- Noam Elfanbaum: Designing Pythonic API's like Kenneth Reitz (Requests case study)
- Yuval Adam: Anatomy of a Full Stack Project
- Tom Gurion: The Krihelinator - evaluating trendiness in open source software
2016.09.05 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #56 - September 2016
- Uri Even-Chen: Speedy Net, Speedy Match and Speedy Composer
- Aur Saraf: Programming Pearls in Python
- Gábor Szabó: Testing web applications using Selenium and Python
2016.10.10 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #57 - October 2016
- Benny Daon: Reverse-engineering Python's knowledge layers
- Alon Nisser: webpack - the hot module bundler as a build tool
- Nir Cohen: Repex REPlace (regular) EXpression - version management and more.
2016.11.07 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #58 - November 2016
- Alon Nisser: "The strangler pattern" dealing with legacy rewrites
- Miki Tebeka: Testing numpy code - What not to do
- Aur Saraf: Programming brainfuck and virtual machines
2016.12.05 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #59 - December 2016
- Ronnie Sheer: Django Channels: Teaching a mature framework new tricks (like websockets)
- David Melamed: Gordon, a very convenient AWS lambda full automation framework + demo
- Shai Berger: BeeWare: A collection of Python tools (tentative)
2017.01.02 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #60 - January 2017
- Chen Rotem Levy: The Rust programming language
- Benny Daon: Ordinal not in range - Python2 unicode
2017.02.06 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #61 - February 2017
- Alon Nisser: Functional testing a webapp
- Noam Elfanbaum: Scientific debugging
- Yotam Gafni: How we built a versionator using datadog & puppet
2017.03.06 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #62 - March 2017
- Agam Rafaeli: Pip + Virtualenv under the hood
- Haki Benita: Working with APIs the Pythonic way
- Aur Saraf: The implementation of dict
- Nir Cohen: The anatomy of a traceback
2017.04.03 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #63 - April 2017
- Lior Mizrahi: Exceptional Python - Error handling tips
- Paul Walsh, Adam Kariv: Frictionless Data: Lightweight standards and tooling to make it effortless to get, share, and validate data.
- Aur Saraf: The implementation of pytest assertions
2017.05.08 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #64 - May 2017
- Gábor Szabó: Using Jenkins as a CI for Python-based projects
- Aur Saraf: The Universe Is Broken: a debugging story
- Miki Tebeka: REPLing with IPython
- Amit Aronovitch: Python Keyring + adding a new backend
2017.06.05 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #65 - June 2017
- Ricardo Moreno: Zappa, a framework for developing microservices on AWS
- Alon Nisser: Intoduction to sysdig
- Yotam Manor: Fighting the Curse of Knowledge - Insights on Mentoring Young Pythonists
- Yoav Luft: Pyparsing, or the case for monads
2017.06.11 - PyConIL -
PyCon Israel 2017
2017.07.03 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #66 - July 2017
- Max Braitmaiere, Jenya Privalov: Real-life Django ORM
- Aur Saraf: The Universe Is Broken: a debugging story
- Ohad Perry: Hands-on message broker using Google's pub sub
2017.08.07 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #67 - August 2017
- Miki Tebeka: Why is Go cool and how can you use it from Python
- Alon Nisser: Enterprise integration patterns with messaging
2017.09.04 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #68 - September 2017
- Eli Gur: Hypothesis: A new paradigm in testing
- Avraham Serour: Actually generate swagger for DRF or GSDAPIISUI
- Mark Geyzer: Test Automation with Robot Framework
2017.10.02 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #69 - October 2017
- Miki Tebeka: Screw DSLs
- Meir Kriheli: Intro to Vue.JS
- Aur Saraf: Lets answer some interesting job interview questions
2017.11.06 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #70 - November 2017
- Alon Nisser: Logging - best (And bad) practices
- Nir Galon: API Star - Next generation framework!
- Michael Sverdlin: Serverless in Production
2017.11.20 - PyWeb -
Your First Open Source contribution
- Gábor Szabó: Your First Open Source contribution
2017.12.04 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #71 - December 2017
- Noam Tenne: Python Needs a Better Testing Framework
- Tal Einat: Playing with Cython
- Nir Galon: Pipenv: The future of Python dependency management
2017.12.19 - PyWeb -
Python testing workshop
- Gábor Szabó: Testing with PyTest
2018.01.01 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #72 - January 2018
- Alon Nisser: When infrastructure betrays you
- Miki Tebeka: attrs - Classes Without Boilerplate
- Benny Daon: The differences between test code and production code
2018.01.16 - PyWeb -
Python Pair Programming with TDD Workshop
- Gábor Szabó: Python Pair Programming with TDD Workshop
2018.02.05 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #73 - February 2018
- Benny Daon: Django custom Model fields by example
- Yotam Manor: Application Level Blue/Green Deployments With Django
- Aur Saraf: F??king Spectre, how does it work?
2018.03.05 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #74 - March 2018
- Noam Elfanbaum: Python performance profiling
- Miki Tebeka: 4 Languages You Should Learn
- Asher Sterkin: Shaping serverless architecture with domain driven design patterns
2018.05.07 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #75 - May 2018: Git, NoORM, Microservices
- Nick Terner: Useful Git
- Meir Kriheli: NoORM
- Erik Asepha: Microservices: Splitting the Monolith the DDD Way
2018.05.23 - PyWeb -
Mocking in Python as a testing tool - Workshop
- Gábor Szabó: Mocking in Python
2018.07.02 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #76 - July 2018
- Tal Einat: Quality, inspired by Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- Miki Tebeka: Unix command line tips & tricks
- Shai Berger: Hannukiot in Git
2018.09.03 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #77 - September 2018
- Tal Einat: 2to3: Upgrading a large, production Django app from Python 2.7 to 3.6.
- Nick Terner: Package management in Python and at large
2018.12.10 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #78 - December 2018
- Lior Mizrahi: I hate security - Bluetooth distance detection story
- Benny Daon: Advanced Linux CLI
2019.01.07 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #79 - January 2019: RabbitMQ, Sigterm, and Vim
- : Dropbox talk
- Sivan Greenberg: ETL With Celery, MongoDB and RabbitMQ: Battle learned lesson
- Alon Nisser: SIGTERM and the art of gracefully shutting down services. A lighting talk
- Miki Tebeka: Why Vim is Awesome
2019.03.04 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #80 - March 2019: Airflow, Productionization,
- Moshe Nahmias:
- Mark Geyzer: My enum module
- David Bordeynik: Becoming a 10x Python developer
2019.05.06 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #81 - May 2019: DevPi, TypeScript, post-Guido
- Benny Daon: devpi, your very own cheeseshop
- Keren Kenzi: Intro to Typescript
- Ram Rachum: PySnooper, PuDB, and a PEP idea
2019.05.28 - PyMaven -
Fixtures and Test Doubles in Pytest - Workshop
- Gábor Szabó: Fixtures and Test Doubles in Pytest - Workshop
2019.06.02 - PyConIL -
PyCon Israel 2019
2019.07.04 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #82 - July 2019: Productionization, Serialization, and post-Guido Governation
- Yehuda Deutsch: Your command is my command (Command line in Python)
- Miki Tebeka: Python Serialization landscape
- Tal Einat: Python after Guido: The new governance model
2019.09.02 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #83 - September 2019: Config parsers, Airflow and Serverless
- David Bordeynik: Why All Config Parsers Suck
- Noam Elfanbaum: From Zero to Airflow - bootstrapping a ML platform
- Asher Sterkin: Serverless Cloud Flow Programming in Python
2019.11.04 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #84 - November 2019: Environment Setup, CPython on GitHub, and music
- David Bordeynik: The Perfect Python Environment Setup
- Tal Einat: CPython moved to GitHub, how does it work?
- Ram Rachum: Live-coding a music synthesizer
2019.12.15 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL - Django 3.0 release party - December 2019
2020.01.06 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #85 - January 2020: Blackbox testing, coding conventions, simulations
- Benny Daon: Black box testing
- Agam Rafaeli: How maintaining coding conventions saved my mental sanity
- Eran Friedman: Boosting simulation performance with Python
2020.07.06 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #86 - July 2020: Bauhaus and class optimization
- Dan Gittik: Bauhaus Software Architecture
- Eli Gur: Make your classes faster and leaner
2020.09.07 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #87 - September 2020
- Tal Shahaf: How WhatsApp Works
- Miki Tebeka: A Python quiz
2020.11.02 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #88 - November 2020
- Shai Berger: The design and development of Choices in Django 3.0
- Ram Rachum: GridRoyale, a life simulation for exploring social dynamics
- Miki Tebeka: Embedding and Calling Python with 0 Serialization and ε Memory
2021.01.04 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #89 - January 2021
- Miroslav Šedivý: A Day Has Only 24+-1 Hours
- Aur Saraf: Using Cython to run a C++ synth with a Kivy frontend on Android
2021.03.01 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #90 - March 2021: WebRTC and simulations
- Miki Tebeka: Simulations for the Mathematically Challenged
- Benny Daon: WebRTC - Real time communications for the web
2021.05.02 - PyConIL -
PyCon Israel 2021
2021.05.10 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #91 - May 2021: Rust and string formatting
- Meir Kriheli: tRust the process
- Miki Tebeka: So you think you can print?
2021.07.05 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #92 - July 2021: Caching and Spark
- Alon Nisser: Using Spark with python: some tips and patterns
- Aur Saraf: The Two Hard Things In Computer Science
2021.09.13 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #93 - September 2021: PostgreSQL indices and epistemology
- Haki Benita: Unlocking the full potential of PostgreSQL indexes in Django
- Alon Nisser: Epistemology - reflections on what is a truthful representation of reality in the software world
2021.11.01 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #94 - November 2021: Method chaining and Kubernetes
- Tal Einat: Method chaining in Python
- Alon Nisser: Kubernetes CPU- Requests, limits and noisy neighbors
2022.01.03 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #95 - January 2022: and Pytest
- Eyal Balla: Python - From zero to hero
- Amir More: Postgresql in Theory and Practice.
2022.03.07 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #96 - March 2022: PostgreSQL and property-based testing
- Shai Geva: Property-based testing
- Ram Rachum: Using Reinforcement Learning to understand our society
2022.05.02 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #97 - May 2022: Federated Learning and Regular Expressions
- Tal Einat: Federated Learning: A promising new method for privacy-preserving ML (AI) modelling
- Aur Saraf: Stand Back! I Know Regular Expressions
2022.07.04 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #98 - July 2022: Vulnerabilities and PostgreSQL
- : About Viz.AI
- Adam Gold: How I found and fixed a vulnerability in Python
- Miki Tebeka: python -m
2022.09.12 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #99 - September 2022: PostgreSQL and Git internals
- : About Swimm
- Amir More: Cultural Learnings of PostgreSQL for Make Benefit Glorious Company Product
- Aur Saraf: Git is a great design
2022.11.14 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #100 - November 2022: Chrome extensions and CDC
- : About Swimm
- Elad Silberring: Creating a Chrome browser extension
- Alon Nisser: Change Data Capture (CDC) for advanced integration
2023.01.02 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #101 - January 2023: Variable scope and HTML over the wire
- Miki Tebeka: Variable scope & closure
- Meir Kriheli: HTML over the wire
2023.03.13 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #102 - March 2023: VisiData and test architecture
- Ram Rachum: VisiData: A Vim-like tool for data science in the terminal
- Aur Saraf: Test architecture can make or break your project
2023.05.01 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #103 - May 2023: Pandas and OpenEdX
- Miki Tebeka: Faster Pandas: Make your Pandas code run faster and consume less memory
- Roi Shillo: CampusIL Architecture: Deploying Enterprise-grade Django-based architecture for National Learning Environment based on OpenEdX
2023.06.14 - PyData -
PyData @ Explorium
- Itay Dagan: Entity resolution at Explorium
- Danielle Menuhin: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Labeled Data Quality
- Izel Levy: Accelerating Data Excellence: Automated Standardization for Enhanced Integrity
2023.07.04 - PyConIL -
PyCon Israel 2023 - Conference
- Daniel Weber: A Bug's Life
2023.09.11 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #104 - September 2023: Dash and reading code
- Aur Saraf: Read Code Every Day
- Roman Olshanskiy, David Katz: Rapid Development of Big Data Analytics Apps using Dash
2024.02.07 - PyData -
PyData @ DigitalTurbine
- Yael Kiselman: Optimizing Ad Conversions with DS
- Eitan Zimmerman: Diversifying the feed with color vector selection
- Uri Goren: Using LLMs to convert freetext to structure
2024.03.18 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #105 - March 2024: Dataclasses and hacking 'import'
- Rick Pelleg: Introducing Infinidat
- Elad Silberring: Python dataclasses
- Elad Silberring: War stories
- Liad Oz: Hacking 'import'
2024.04.03 - PyData -
PyData @ Intango
- Doron Hai Reuven: To Bid, or not to Bid – Reinforcement Learning for Real Time Bidding
- Daniel Svonava: Vector embeddings at the center of your data stack
- Igor Mintz: Polars is the Pandas killer
2024.05.19 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #106 - May 2024
- Alon Nisser: Growing up - A data story
- Ori Roza: A new way of testing web frameworks
- Miki Tebeka: A Python Quiz
2024.05.21 - PyData -
Polars workshop @ Fairmatic
- Jonathan Rosenblatt: Working with nested dtypes
- Igor Mintz: The journey from CSV to parquet to cloud and back.
2024.06.08 - PyConIL -
PyCon Israel 2024 - Call For Papers
2024.07.08 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #107 - July 2024
- Shai Berger: Careful What You Search For! - or, how to make a computation 20,000 times faster
- Idan Gazit: Copilot Workspace: what it is, how it works, why it matters
2024.07.21 - PyData -
PyData @ Melio
- Michael Levinger: Implementing and Securing AI Applications
2024.07.25 - PyMaven -
Testing Python with Pytest: The magic of fixtures
- Gábor Szabó: Testing Python with Pytest: The magic of fixtures
2024.08.07 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #108 - August 2024
- Asher Sterkin: Implementing the Composite Design Pattern in Python
- Uri Mogilevsky Shay, Menachem Kluft: Accelerating Parquet file filters via row groups
2024.09.03 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #109 - September 2024
- Daniel Balosh: From Sluggish to Speedy: A Developer's Guide to Taming MySQL Performance
- Alon Levy: Marimo - a new python notebook
- Gal Goldner: DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) standard
- Naum Raviz: A pagination that scales with your data
2024.09.16 - PyConIL -
PyCon Israel 2024 - Conference
- Elazar Neeman: Leveraging Python for Real-Time Image processing
- Eugene Rojavski: Malicious Needle in a Haystack - PyPi Security Pitfalls
- Dor Schwartz: Teach Your Old Code New Tricks: Automating Code Quality in Large Projects
- Kathrine Smoliansky: Reaching One Million Hands for Israeli advocacy
- Avi Lumelsky: Secimport: Tailor-Made eBPF Sandbox for Python Applications
- Noah Santacruz: Beyond KMeans - using LLMs to improve text clustering
- Tsvi Mostovicz: Designing a plugin architecture in Python
- Guy Pozner: Accelerating ML Development with Multi-Modal Datasets: Leveraging Python, Parquets, and Daft
- Liad Oz: Hacking the Python Import System
- Eyal Balla: It's all about the db - our journey between databases to accommodate 100k events per second
- Shani Bendor: Empowering the Next Generation: Teaching Python to Young Girls through AliceCode
- Roy Noyman: No more dependency nightmares: the Wix way for a healthy and stable python platform
- Haki Benita: How to Make Your Backend Roar
- Yishai Zinkin: Unlocking Python's AST: The Metaprogramming Superpower You Didn't Know You Had
- Tomer Brisker: Reducing your memory footprint by 75% with 6 lines of code
- Carine-Belle Feder: Letting AI Steal My Job - I'm Not Even Mad, This Is Amazing
- Nir Geller: Unblocking the Loop: Mastering Python's I/O Loop Monitoring
- Ohad Ravid: Making Python 100x faster with less than 100 lines of Rust
- May Walter, Shani Armon: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Advanced Python Monitoring
- Adam Kariv: Unit testing LLM Agents
- Gil Reich: How we deleted a dozen files and 10,000 lines of code and got control of our Airflow DAGs
- Shahar Heller: Let JSON Schema and Pydantic write your data models
- Tamar Galer:"Don't Give all your {secrets} away")
- Ran Bar-Zik: Python bad cryptography habits
- Liubov Burtseva, Uri Drori: CLI, CI, DIY: Crafting Python Based Dev Tools in a DevOps Vacuum
- Shai Geva: 10 Ways To Shoot Yourself In The Foot With Tests
- Hanan Cohen: How to create addiction to Python?
2024.09.17 - PyConIL -
PyCon Israel 2024 - Workshop
- Gil Zilberfeld: Introduction to Playwright with Python
- Hila Weisman Zohar: Unleashing the Power of LLMs & Gen AI with Python
- Miki Tebeka: Getting Started with gRPC
- Daniel Anderson: Codyssey - a playful Python workshop
- Udi Oron: Introduction to Geospatial data and GeoPandas
2024.11.27 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #110 - November 2024
- Asaf Brom: Welcome to Infinidat
- Miki Tebeka: Advanced Python OO
- Ori Poria: boto-model
- Maor Kadosh: REPL-Driven Development – Adapting Lisp-style interactive development in Python
- Christina Beletskaya: Python Profiling Made Easy
2024.12.03 - PyData -
PyData Global 2024
2024.12.11 - PyData -
PyData @Arpeely
- Ronny Ahituv: Supercharging CTR (Click-Through Rate) with Plug-and-Play AI Capabilities
- Yuval Feinstein: Georgia on my Mind: NLP Meets Social Network Analysis for Exploring New Domains
- Mike Erlihson: State-Space Models and Deep Learning: Is there a new revolution on our doorstep?
2024.12.15 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #111 - December 2024
- Yoav Ramon: About Nym
- Nikita Baryshev: How to build a microservice with Python + FastAPI that will help to switch from RDS to DynamoDB and save costs.
- Noam Morey: From Migrations to Tests: Alembic-powered DB Consistency
2025.01.05 - PyWeb -
PyWeb-IL #112 - January 2025
- Ruth Dubin: Django settings with pydantic
- Leah Levy: Using Streamlit to easily create interactive web apps and deploy machine learning models
- Gábor Szabó: Python Types
2025.01.19 - PyWeb -
Deep Neural Network as SQL+Python
- Netanel Stern: Deep Neural Network as SQL+Python
2025.01.22 - PyWeb -
From Migrations to Tests: Alembic-powered DB Consistency
- Noam Morey: From Migrations to Tests: Alembic-powered DB Consistency
2025.01.29 - PyData -
PyData @Apiiro
- Arnon Dagan: Shift Left - Leveraging Open Source LLMs to Uncover Risks in Feature Design Phase
- Natan Katz: Supply chain security for open source models
- Yosi Shamenzon: Matching Code to Runtime with BERT
2025.02.07 - PyWeb -
Creating a website on GitHub Pages using Markdown
- Gábor Szabó: Creating a website on GitHub Pages using Markdown