Miki Tebeka
- 2015.04.13 Uncomment Your Code on PyWeb-IL #43 - April 2015
- 2015.07.06 Using pandas for Data Processing on PyWeb-IL #46 - July 2015
- 2016.01.04 The many ways of defining and calling Python functions on PyWeb-IL #49 - January 2016
- 2016.07.04 Descriptors and the Python dot operator on PyWeb-IL #54 - July 2016
- 2016.11.07 Testing numpy code - What not to do on PyWeb-IL #58 - November 2016
- 2017.05.08 REPLing with IPython on PyWeb-IL #64 - May 2017
- 2017.08.07 Why is Go cool and how can you use it from Python on PyWeb-IL #67 - August 2017
- 2017.10.02 Screw DSLs on PyWeb-IL #69 - October 2017
- 2018.01.01 attrs - Classes Without Boilerplate on PyWeb-IL #72 - January 2018
- 2018.03.05 4 Languages You Should Learn on PyWeb-IL #74 - March 2018
- 2018.07.02 Unix command line tips & tricks on PyWeb-IL #76 - July 2018
- 2019.01.07 Why Vim is Awesome on PyWeb-IL #79 - January 2019: RabbitMQ, Sigterm, and Vim
- 2019.07.04 Python Serialization landscape on PyWeb-IL #82 - July 2019: Productionization, Serialization, and post-Guido Governation
- 2020.09.07 A Python quiz on PyWeb-IL #87 - September 2020
- 2020.11.02 Embedding and Calling Python with 0 Serialization and ε Memory on PyWeb-IL #88 - November 2020
- 2021.03.01 Simulations for the Mathematically Challenged on PyWeb-IL #90 - March 2021: WebRTC and simulations
- 2021.05.10 So you think you can print? on PyWeb-IL #91 - May 2021: Rust and string formatting
- 2022.07.04 python -m on PyWeb-IL #98 - July 2022: Vulnerabilities and PostgreSQL
- 2023.01.02 Variable scope & closure on PyWeb-IL #101 - January 2023: Variable scope and HTML over the wire
- 2023.05.01 Faster Pandas: Make your Pandas code run faster and consume less memory on PyWeb-IL #103 - May 2023: Pandas and OpenEdX
- 2024.05.19 A Python Quiz on PyWeb-IL #106 - May 2024
- 2024.09.17 Getting Started with gRPC on PyCon Israel 2024 - Workshop
- 2024.11.27 Advanced Python OO on PyWeb-IL #110 - November 2024