We at PyWeb-IL like to go to old and new places with our meetings. For an in-person PyWeb-IL meeting we need

Venue requirements

  • A space that can host at least 50 people.
  • Has a projector and something we can use as a lectern next to the screen where we project.
  • Speakers usually use their own computers for the presentations.
  • Sponsoring refreshment (e.g. pizza or sandwiches + beer and soft-drinks)
  • Preferable in a place that easily accessible with public transportation.
  • Our meetings are usually in Tel Aviv, but we are open to host events elsewhere as well.
  • We would prefer places that would want to host us regularly every few months, but one-time hosts might be also accepted.
  • An optional advantage: Video recording equipment.


  • Pizza or sandwiches or some more interesting snacks. Preferably Kosher with some vegan and some gluten-free options. (A total of ~ 2 picese per attendee.)
  • Beer and soft drinks including plain water.
  • Optionally fruits.
  • Optionally sweets.
  • Optionally snacks (Bamba, Bissli, Tapuchips, Snyder's etc.)
  • Think also about the people who prefer to eat healthy food.

How much food? We never know how many people will arrive, but our experience shows that it is between 25-40% of the registered people. If you can have some food option that can be packed and consumed the next day by your employees that would be much nice.


We can allocate 5-15 minutes at the beginning of the event for the host to give a short introduction of the company. Alternatively, or even in addition, we welcome employees of the host to give a regular presentation. See how to submit presentation offer.

Tell us early if you'd like to do either of those so we can make sure to allocate time in the schedule.

  • Contact Gabor Szabo if you are interested hosting one of our monthly events.